Durable Housing Architecture.

Our Problem Statement.
Getting patients to the care they need.
How can we expedite the injury diagnosis and treatment process with electromagnetic acoustic imaging (EMAI) scanning?

Current Process.
The MRI Process.
Getting a MRI is a long and drawn out process that can take up to 45 minutes. Waisting valuable time that could potentially mean life or death.

Journey Map.
Patient journey map.
Hospital journey map for patients waiting to be scanned. Pin pointing the problems with current solutions for medical scans.

Patient & MD Pain Points.

Identifying Gaps Between Injury, Diagnoses, and Treatment.

Starts with
the Tech.
Medical Technology.
"Electromagnetic acoustic imaging (EMAI) is a new imaging technique that uses long-wavelength RF electromagnetic (EM) waves to induce ultrasound emission. Signal intensity and image contrast have been found to depend on spatially varying electrical conductivity of the medium in addition to conventional acoustic properties."
Technology Research.
EMAI is a combinations of MRI, X-ray, and Ultrasound (ultra). In our research we pinpointed the benefits of these technologies as well as the flaws.

Beginning Ideation Process.
Reinventing how patients are scanned and how doctors receive valuable data.

Ideation Sketches.

Meeting with Sonosite.

Feedback from Sonosite.
We received critiques on our directions being too general so decided to target scanning patient in the field.
Sketch Models.
Synthesizing our problem of scanning patients in the field through physical prototypes.

First CAD models.
Working through ergonomics studies of scanning athletes knees, ankles, & other body parts.

Iterative CAD models.
Working out the details of the mechanical hinging motion. Defining the interaction of open to closed positions of the scanner.

Meeting Prof. Dr. Lund | Electric Engineering.
Preparing our concepts for manufacturing and housing electrical components.

Final Product.
Axis is a portable medical EMAI scanning system that rapidly increases patient diagnose process. Axis is positioned over injured body part to perform scan.

User interface.
Axis allow user to scan patients in the field and relay valuable information to the medical team at the hospital.

Exploded view.

Detailed shots.